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Thursday 30 August 2018

What you should know about Personally Referred Members


You may have noticed our use of the term "PRM" throughout several previous LaunchPad Lessons. In this lesson, we'll take a moment and examine more fully what this term means. Very simply, a PRM–or Personally Referred Member–is a member of the Zing Network whom you have referred. Whether you referred this person to,,, or any of our other properties, once they sign up for free, they become a member of our Zing Network and can access all of our other properties with YOU as their registered referrer.
What are the responsibilities to your PRM?  Once you've referred them and they've signed up as a member of our network, your job is essentially done!  We immediately begin marketing to them–on your behalf–through regular newsletters and other promotions. NOTE: Since, in the course of those promotions, we also expose them to the SFI Affiliate Program, your PRMs may also decide to sign up as an affiliate and become your Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs)!
We also take care of all order processing, product shipments, and customer service for your PRMs, at no cost to you!  And, of course, we'll pay you commissions...for life!...on every order placed by your members (and let you know instantly each time with an email notification).

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