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Thursday 2 August 2018

Start getting new affiliates

Why you should Load up on Banners

Most Trafic Exchange Sites have sign up incentives that get you a lot of free advertising. One great way to promote your business is to join sites, accept their incentive and then load up on the advertising.
Do not shy away from sites with poor numbers of members. Usually, they offer the best incentives because they want to get their program off the ground floor. What can happen is, you sign up, you get 15 Banners each with 4000 impressions. You load them up. And in 4 months you suddenly start getting new affiliates from this long forgotten source. It is great. 
Most sites offer incentives through Promo Codes. Most Promo Codes are entered in the Advertising section. You click "Set up Ads" or "Advertising" or a similar such button in the left-hand navigation bar. Then you may need to scroll down a bit but it says, "Promo Code" or "Enter Promo Code" Once entered you get points, free banners, free buttons (125x125 Banners), free solo ads, free text link ads... Set these up and you're done.
George McBride

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