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Friday 10 August 2018

Are you always complaining?

A List Of Things To STOP Doing In Order To Be Successful With SFI:
- Complaining about the new Comp Plan
- Complaining about inactive PSAs
- Complaining about inactive CSAs
- Complaining about inactive PSAs that you purchase
- Complaining about inactive CSAs that you purchase
- Complaining about inactive Sponsor and upline
- Complaining about inactive Co-Sponsor 
- Complaining about the gateways
- Complaining that you can't get anyone to signup
- Complaining that you don't have money for advertising
- And other complaints...

The Solution to all the above is simple:
- Stop complaining and go to work
- Work with the works
- Get your own PSAs from your own efforts
- Expose SFI opportunity No-Stop to find your Diamond Team Leaders 
- True Leaders are readers - Study and apply the lessons in LaunchPad and The Rules Of Success
- True Leaders don't need Sponsors or Co-Sponsors to motivate them to take action
- And Etc...

Tip: Lets get busy growing our SFI Empire and Finding our Future Diamond Team Leaders!

Join my team:

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