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Friday 10 November 2017

Avoiding the $10,000 Mistake

Want to see everything that’s included?

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  • All the sites you need in one place.  The motivated seller site, property listings, landing pages for: wholesale buyers, rent-to-own buyers, commercial property and land.
  • Free report to give to sellers that are reluctant to give you all their details
  • Use your own domain name.  Your choice – you can use just one domain name or multiple domain names.
  • High Speed Web Hosting (a 29.00/month value). Nowadays people won’t wait around for slow web sites to load. We found the fastest hosting company we could.
  • Sites are mobile-friendly
  • You can easily edit your site and even make new pages
  • Video Tutorials to show you how to do anything you might want to do
  • blog is built in. Even if you don’t need this right away, you may want it down the road.
  • Email Marketing system (19.00/month value). This is similar to services like Aweber, Constant Contact, GetResponse, etc. that allow you to have an email mailing list and send out automatic follow-up e-mails (drip emails) or email all your leads at once. Normally you’d have to go out and pay for an extra service, but we include it with your site!
  • Software upgrades, technical maintenance, and security. This is important but lots of people overlook it and their sites get hacked and destroyed. We manage all this for you – hassle free!
  • We include SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools you can use to help attract people to your website who are searching online. We’ll even teach you how to do it.
  • All the content is professionally written and ready to use, and is customizable if you want to change anything
  • Customer support / technical support – If you have any questions or need help with anything, we’re here to help.

Click Here!

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