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Sunday 23 December 2018

What is better - to play games or to promote games

More than 1.2 billion people are playing games worldwide, according to a state of the industry report by Spil Games.

Of those, about 700 million play online games. That amounts to 44 percent of the world’s online population, according to comScore data cited by Spil Games.

And now something about SFI.

The amazing thing seems to be that the SFI affiliates are more interested in PLAYING instead of PROMOTING their business! I get it! I like playing too! But let's get real honest here and evaluate our efforts.

What grade do you give yourself on playing games?
What grade do you give yourself on promoting games?

Do you want to succeed in your business?

If you are ready to work, join me here:

If you want to play games, join me here:

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