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Tuesday 24 July 2018

Make the first steps to become E365

An SFI contest whose objective is to score the most VersaPoints (VP) in an affiliate's class during a 365-day period. E365 was created to help new Affiliates get off to a great, positive start, while at the same time creating engagement with their sponsor. 

Rezultat slika za sfi e365 contest

To enter, an Affiliate must complete six specific actions:
  • Step 1: Verify your email address (AKA “Double Opt-in”)
  • Step 2: Whitelist SFI, sponsor, other upline members, and co-sponsor
  • Step 3: Answer six basic Account Profile questions
  • Step 4: Upload account photo
  • Step 5: Send commitment letter to the sponsor
  • Step 6: Achieve EA status

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