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Monday 30 July 2018

We all must start somewhere

Join here:

The SFI Compensation Plan is designed to Stair-Step us through a business building growth process. This growth process is critical to your overall success with ANY business on the internet. There's no shortcuts and there's a learning curve! However, please be assured that when you learn the skills you need to advance through the SFI Team Leader status levels you will be able to do virtually ANY business on the internet. The reason I say this is that marketing products, services and yourself along with lead generation are critical skills needed to advance in SFI and to be specific...

If you can generate your own leads you can do ANY business on the internet!

Learn to produce your own leads and then become very systematic in everything you do!

(Practical post by Leon McKee)

Sunday 29 July 2018

 Uber-Picks sports leagues allows you to start and be the commissioner of your own private league.  It’s 100% free (for up to 10 members).

Choose a game:

Get your crown

Get your crown!

Maximize your chances for free Rewardicals in the TripleClicks Daily Crown

Each day at, we draw 285 winners who share in 35,000 Rewardicals: 

* 10 people win 1000 Rewardicals! 
* 25 people win 500 Rewardicals! 
* 250 people win 50 Rewardicals! 

To enter the Daily Crown, simply play any Eager Zebra game (including any free entry game) each day for an automatic entry.

Astro Auctions

Astro Auctions  - auction and game at the same time. 

The worst thing that can happen is you spend one TCredit and a couple minutes of time and in return win several Constellation Prizes including a minimum of 10 Rewardicals for each TCredit (while also having an entry to win thousands of Rewardicals, the item being auctioned, and other great prizes) you earmark for Constellation Prizes.

You actually will always earn MORE than 10 per TCredit!  Plus, you’ll have multiple opportunities to earn additional rewards and prizes.

You receive one entry for each of the jackpots whenever you enter an Astro Auction. Jackpot winners are chosen at random and revealed during the "in flight" stage of a given auction.

The second jackpot is called Supernova because it has the potential to be “super big.” This is because 1000 Rewardicals are added to this jackpot each time a new auction comes online.  If no one wins it, it automatically rolls over to the next auction, becoming bigger and bigger and bigger until someone wins it.

Every auction you enter gets you an entry for Pick-The-Bid for each too.

By participating in any Astro Auction, bidders are guaranteed to win at least five Constellation Prizes. All prizes are drawn at random and all bidders have the same odds to win prizes, no matter how many TCredits they’ve bid or earmarked.

Work from home

Interested in work from home? New affiliates who joined on or after 4/25/18 automatically receive 25 free Rewardicals upon joining SFI AND have the ability to get up to 1000 more Rewardicals within their first 30 days. Use this link and enter the promo code:    promo code f43ed4

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Enjoy your life

Rewardicals are the amazing new digital tokens you can earn FREE while...
Shopping and dining at local businesses
Shopping at online stores
Playing online games and contests     
To proceed, please enter your promo code below. Then click the "Submit" code: f43ed4

SFI Smart Start Program

Some quotes

                                             Change your life - click here:Rezultat slika za quots John Cervntes

You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.  -  Vernon Howard

Regard every suggestion that your life may be a failure, that you are not made like those who succeed, and that success is not for you, as a traitor, and expel it from your mind as you would a thief from your house.    -    Orison Swett Marden

Make the first steps to become E365

An SFI contest whose objective is to score the most VersaPoints (VP) in an affiliate's class during a 365-day period. E365 was created to help new Affiliates get off to a great, positive start, while at the same time creating engagement with their sponsor. 

Rezultat slika za sfi e365 contest

To enter, an Affiliate must complete six specific actions:
  • Step 1: Verify your email address (AKA “Double Opt-in”)
  • Step 2: Whitelist SFI, sponsor, other upline members, and co-sponsor
  • Step 3: Answer six basic Account Profile questions
  • Step 4: Upload account photo
  • Step 5: Send commitment letter to the sponsor
  • Step 6: Achieve EA status

Saturday 21 July 2018

Ko je spreman?

Dreams come true

Dreams are too important to just experience in your sleep. It’s about giving you new ways to generate income on your own time and terms. It’s a new idea in what true freedom looks like in the way you live, and the legacy you create. And, we want YOU to be part of it all! Therefore, do NOT hesitate. Here are 22 reasons why you will love SFI.

Do you want to see what other SFI members are saying?

Be your own boss

NEVER work for anyone again. Be your own boss. Worried about the economy?
Strong Future International -  SFI  -  can help. Let us show you how to create an immediate supplemental income stream.

 Click here:

Thursday 19 July 2018

Impressive list of reasons

Welcome to join my team:

 Here is included an impressive list of reasons to join SFI and let prospective affiliates know right upfront that there are no shortcuts to success.

Friday 6 July 2018

Uspjeh je naš cilj

Rezultat slika za dobar život

Uspjeh je naš cilj, a sve ostalo su samo opisi naših nastojanja. Vaš život počinje da postaje dobar život tek onda kada jasno definišete ono što želite da postignete, napravite plan i prionete da korak po korak svakog dana ostvarujete svoj cilj.

Morate biti svjesni da ste samo vi i samo vi odgovorni za svoj život i sve što vam se dešava. Shvatite da vaš život nije neke vrsta probe. Posmatranjem životnih puteva uspješnih ljudi možete da vidite, da je prihvatanje lične odgovornosti polazna tačka svakog uspjeha. Tek tada počinje pravi život.

Rezultat slika za uspjeh

Kako dakle postupiti? Sjednite i napravite spisak desetak stvari koje stvarno želite za završite u određenom roku. Razmišljajte o svojim ciljevima, željama i vizualizirajte rezultat. Trebate da naučite da završite svaki cilj koji ste si postavili. Nikako nemojte odustati kod prvih prepreka. Niko nije mudriji od vas i niko nije bolji od vas. Sva znanja u vezi poslovanja, zarađivanja novca, marketinga i drugog mogu se naučiti. Svako ko je postigao nešto veliko u bilo kojem poslu je morao početi od same osnove. A to što je postiglo na stotine hiljada drugih ljudi možete postići i vi. 

Prijavite se ovdje:Rezultat slika za dobar život

Ako je jedan od vaših ciljeva da postanete finansijski nezavisni – evo prilike. Provjerite strategije, učite šta rade uspješni, postignite isti ili još bolji rezultat.

Thursday 5 July 2018

It couldn't be better

Join SFI (Click here:) and start using your Rewardical ECA Gateway to refer online sellers to the Rewardical ECA program. Once a merchant you referred signs up, you’ll automatically receive one Rewardical for every 10 they dish out to their customers! With just a few popular online sellers, you could be earning tons of Rewardicals that you then exchange for PSAs, VersaPoints, TCredits, Bitcoin, Silver Bullion, Gift Cards, and more! 

Tip: If the merchant's customers are your personally referred members (PRMs), you’ll get a delicious DOUBLE dip! That’s one Rewardical for every 10 your PRMs earn, AND one for every 10 your referred seller dishes out! 

Does it seems fine? It is, for sure. Therefore

Join now:

Get ready!

"Take your protein pills and put your helmet on." A new star is coming to the SFI universe on July 10th. Get ready!

I am ready, and you?

Join my team:


SFI prepares a surprise for all the affiliates. Join my team and get ready for the surprise!

Join now:

An amazing new adventure awaits every SFI affiliate on July 10th. Get ready!

Wednesday 4 July 2018

SFI has games option to earn or fun

Eager Zebra games are enjoyable and beneficial too. I love to play all those free games Brain Sprint, Poker, ZackJack, Gold Streak, KOT, T-Time, Uber-Picks and other paid games PTP, Time Machine. 

Games give us Badges, Rewardical, and entry of Daily Crown Drawing. 

Playing games is one of the ways to grow our business. Without SFI I don't know any working site who has games option to earn or fun. That's why SFI is the most popular site I ever have seen. 
Play and enjoy your working hours. 

Grandmaster Poker:
Uber-Picks sports games:
Card King:
Gold Streak:
Knockout Trivia:
Pick the Price:
Time Machine:

Join SFI now and see all the possibilities:

Sunday 1 July 2018

Suggestion for your start in SFI

Many people sign in to SFI, but they leave it before really starting. It is a pity. Don't do that!

Rather try this: 

Firstly, and quite importantly, read ALL the Launchpad lessons, they are a step by-step guide to getting you established in SFI, and help you learn from the very basics to knowing everything you need to become successful in your business.
If you try to absorb all the information at once it could be overwhelming.
So try to read and understand everything very carefully, 2 to 3 pages for a day is good enough. 

All you have to do is to use the suggestions one by one.

I wish you a great success!Join now, it is free: