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Saturday 23 June 2018

Build customer loyality

It's a fact: Online shopping is more popular than ever and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. And it's local businesses who are being hurt. Across the land, the "online onslaught" is putting local sellers out of business. At Localvantia, we help local businesses, the businesses that are often the backbone of our cities and towns, fight back!
Not only can Localvantia help you thrive and grow, it's FREE to join, and you can start generating new sales TODAY.

Business owners, Localvantia can help you...

new customers
more exposure
repeat sales
customer loyalty
marketing strategies

Sign up today for FREE and begin enjoying these Localvantia benefits immediately:

 We currently have nearly 7 million members and affiliates worldwide. As a new merchant, we'll automatically notify all our members and affiliates in your area that you've joined the Localvantia network and encourage them to become one of your customers! Likewise, when you have sales or special deals, we'll automatically put the word out to Localvantia members in your area to help you continually generate new sales!
 As a business owner and/or manager, you already have enough to do. Localvantia provides you with powerful tools to create coupons, special offers, and more, and then promote them far and wide. Quick, simple, easy...and at no cost to you! Increase awareness of your business through the search engine (and gain an edge on your local competitors not yet in Localvantia).
 Build customer loyalty through Localvantia's unique, built-in customer rewards program that lets your customers choose the reward!
 Avoid getting lost in the clutter of international search engine results (e.g. Google) for larger businesses. Localvantia is focused exclusively on spreading the word to the LOCAL community, people who will show up at your store or use your offline services.
 All your customers can join your free Localvantia customer list–allowing you to send group emails to your customers quickly, easily, and at no cost to you! It's a great way to keep your entire customer base up to date on special deals, sales, new products, and more.
 Exclusive sales and activity reports help you fine-tune your customer strategies and maximize revenues and profit.
 Boost word-of-mouth in your area about your products and services.
 Being listed in the search engine makes it easy for potential customers throughout your area to find you when searching for businesses like yours. Searchers can not only easily locate your business, but they also have your essential information at their fingertips, including your location (with map), contact info, hours of operation, current specials, customer reviews, and much more.
 Do you have a website and/or sell online, too? Being listed in the search engine can mean additional online sales for you, too.

The Catch!

There has to be a catch, right? Right. One and one ONLY, and we’ll always be fully transparent and up-front about it. When a Localvantia member makes a purchase at your business—and ONLY when you’ve secured a purchase—we'll invoice you for the cost of the rewards points they'll be receiving. The cost to you? We’ll leave that up to you, but it can be as little as 1% of the sale (excluding taxes).
Example: On a $35 purchase, your cost to secure that sale is as little as $.35. Just 1% for a guaranteed sale! We defy you to find any other advertising or marketing service that delivers guaranteed sales for you at a lower cost. Spoiler alert! We've looked, it doesn't exist.
And not only is Localvantia the least expensive way you'll ever find to bring in new and repeat customers, it's also the easiest and friendliest program of its kind in the world. Sign up today for free with no obligation. We'll immediately start promoting your business to our members in your area, and we'll make available to you all of our FREE, cutting-edge, business-boosting tools, too. If we don't get you results or we're creating more sales than you can handle :-) …just opt out, no questions asked, and without so much as a penny spent. Yep, that's how confident we are that you're going to love being a part of Localvantia!

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