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Monday 30 October 2017

Inspiration for all persons interested in SFI

Today I would like to share the text written by Teresa S, from South Africa:

"I reached Silver Team Leader (STL) this morning - the first time in many month since I was last STL - for just $4. (2 x $1.99 single TCredits rounded up for charity made the cost $4).

And it could have been for just $2 had I been a little more patient (I know one of my PSAs will earn me at least another 100VP when they go at least EA before month end).

And it could have been for even $0 had I been better at referring many people to TripleClicks as my PRMs (Personally Referred Members) (I get Sales/Purchases VP when they buy something - even if it's TCredits that they buy for playing games or bidding on auctions).

My secret? It's not really a secret or all that difficult 
- I have been concentrating on building and supporting a good team for a long time now
- trying to get lucky with games and auctions, regularly

More about "I have been concentrating on building and supporting a good team for a long time now"
- I get VP (VersaPoints) when my PSAs advance a rank
- I keep my front line small (5 to 10 on my first level), reassigning PSAs that I recruit, or that come to me from my upline - I reassign to those who are also putting in some effort of their own - to help them grow their teams and to help them advance in rank - when lower levels in my team does well, so does their upline, and so do I

More about "trying to get lucky with games and auctions, regularly
- I try to win anything I can for free, every day
- I try to maintain my top 200 position in Badge Quest so that I can enjoy the helpful prizes that comes with each month
- I use won, earned or bought TCredits in ways that may win me more TCredits or something else useful like MRP or VP
- I get 5MRP for each TCredit used - or 10MRP if it's a double MRP auction
- I purchase single TCredits for 150MRP each, giving me 102 Sales/Purchases VP each time

Note/Disclaimer: I did get particularly lucky this month, winning a substantial amount of TCredits in Card King, and in Pick the Price - but even so, other months to make BTL (Bronze Team Leader) rank has usually cost me amounts like $6, $8, or $10 - and I know it could cost me nothing if I spent more time referring potential PRM (Personally Referred Members) directly to TripleClicks.

- It can cost you very little or even nothing to reach or maintain BTL or higher rank - just spend time reading, learning, working
Always work at building and supporting your team - for months, years, just keep doing it
Regularly make use of the many opportunities SFI and TripleClicks offers us to try win or earn helpful things."

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