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Saturday 30 September 2017


Here is the story about DECISION posted by Tuula Rands

--- It is time to make a decision"Are you a Jane or a Jill" 

"Jane makes a decision to build a Network Marketing business using the internet to
advertise for cutomers and new distributors. Jane keeps advertisng for a number of
months and doesn't get any results. Jane made a decision and backed that decision
with action but she did not get any results. Jane, at this point, makes a decision that
this business was not for her. 

"Jill also made a decision to build a Network Marketing business. Using the internet
for a number of months Jill was not getting any positive results so she examines what
she is doing and realizes that doing the same thing over and over again with no results
is a useless effort and a waste of time. But instead of quitting and deciding this business
is not for her, she looks at how to improve what she is doing along with looking for other
ways to advertise to make her efforts profitable. 

"Tony Robbins says, "Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've
taken new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided."

"Both Jane and Jill made a decision to build a business and use the internet to advertise. 
They both put in the effort but when things were not working; Jane just decided to quit
with no "New action" while Jill made a decision to continue building with "new Action".

"Are we a Jane or a Jill? Are we like Jane, fooling ourselves by doing the same things
over and over with nothing happening or are we like Jill, who, when things are not working,
takes "new actions" to find what would bring results? 

"As Tony Robbins stated "If there's no new action, you haven't truly decided." 

"Are we really "All In" or are we "Just going through the motions"? ---

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