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Wednesday 30 September 2020

Monday 28 September 2020

It is now or never

It is now or never - exceptional opportunity

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Thursday 24 September 2020

It will really change your life


Onpassive/Gofounders is probably in reality one of the most powerful home businesses to hit the internet in years. With it's 100% hands free marketing tools it is all done for you. And as for it's awesome, and i really mean awesome comp plan. you can not lose!

No matter what level of marketer you are now it does not matter as this system guarantees your success.

Unfortunately outside of the community, we are not allowed at this moment in time to give away too much info as to what this system can do for you but I advise everyone and anyone to get involved now as a founder to gain the massive benefits of being one of the few founders of this amazing new company.

This company is going to be legendary so get in early to say you were one of the few who led from the front.

Don't miss the one true opportunity that the industry has produced in years.
I guarantee that you will be a success with this business

It will really change your life

Click this link now:


Monday 14 September 2020

AI (artificial intelligence) -  blog za osobe koje žele saznati i naučiti nešto više o internetu

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Friday 11 September 2020

A letter by Dr. Bill Williams - Visionaries will succeed

Prescription for the Next 10 Days

Many founders ask the question, “What can I do to make a difference in my future income and results as a GoFounder in OnPassive?” We have had a series of amazingly clear webinars, community posts and Leadership Council posts in the last two weeks that address these issues. Because we are so near the completion of the dream, many founders are wanting to sprint to that finish line.

Here is my prescription for success that I recommend you follow over the next ten days. You will greatly magnify your results with just a little effort. If you are in this as a business person, it will come easy. If you are an influencer, you are going to be highly successful. If you, on the other hand, are a rocking chair founder, this may feel a bit strange or difficult. It’s you who have the most to gain, so, take a few minutes to ponder if a bit of discomfort now will be worth it in the long run. Generational wealth and freedom can be yours much faster if you say, “I’m all in!”

Consider it like putting the doors on the Ark. A lot of work went into Noah’s constructing the Ark. It was well-planned, well-built, but only when the doors were added to “seal the deal” did it finally fulfill the promise of saving all from destruction.

  1.  Set your goal to share OnPassive and particularly the GoFounders opportunity with 100 people in 10 days.
  2. Make your list today starting with ten sheets of paper and ten headings
    1. Visionaries
      1. Visionaries see things more clearly. They tell stories. They  paint a picture of the future and people are attracted to it. If you don’t have a team, don’t complain. Instead, tell stories to build your team. Find visionaries because they matter.
      2. Visionaries rise above the clouds, see through the mist. Visionaries need teams to reach distant shores. They need teams to row the boat ashore, to reach the goal. People like to follow leaders, not other followers. Be a leader, attract leaders into your group. You can become a visionary among your team by sharing about the future you understand in OnPassive.
    2. Key Opinion Leaders
      1. KOL’s get to their position by standing for something. They have conviction. People listen when they speak. Their words carry weight. Having KOL’s on your team means money and influence for you because of the “halo effect” and because of their potential to influence others.
      2. The seven circles of influence are government, business, arts & entertainment, family, media, education, and religion. Include a KOL from each on your team.
    3. Influencers
      1. Influencers on your team validate the concept. It’s called social proof.
      2. Influencers on your team duplicate your effort. Be sure to teach them what to do. Point them to the tools available asap. They like to learn and run fast.
      3. Influencers on your team multiply your results. You can do less the more influencers you have on your team.
      4. Influencers are workers
      5. Influencers are positive thinking. It’s easier to herd positive Paulas than negative Nancys.
      6. Influencers have an abundance mindset. They want to increase the pie, not eat it in fear that someone else will get their share.
      7. Influencers are winners.
    4. Family
      1. Family deserve to be invited in because you don’t want to leave anyone behind
      2. Family that are close will be “all in” because you can play better together.
      3. Family that are not close may be drawn closer if all comes to fruition…healing is a good thing.
      4. Go where the people play most often, your own back yard.
    5. Workmates
      1. Everyone wishes to be their own boss, define their own lifestyle and what better way than GoFounders. Go where the grass is greenest…your own front yard.
    6. Business vendors, suppliers, salesmen, owners
      1. Those who sell to you are often quite likely to listen to you when you want to “sell” an opportunity to them. Turnabout is fair play. Back scratching is not a bad idea when everybody wins, is it? Be bold. Five seconds of boldness can lead to a lifetime of happiness when you get a “Yes!”
    7. Affinity groups
      1. People who belong to the same groups as you are prime candidates to hear your message. They have something in common, they may know you, even like you. Mom’s Groups, fraternity or sorority members, civic clubs, school alumni, church members, professional associations, sports fans, community activities.
      2. Personal connections are where the strongest bonds are formed and “like attracts like”. Don’t forget this mantra.
    8. LinkedIn connections, Facebook Groups and Pages you own, Instagram connections
      1. Social media is powerful and you need to leverage your influence within your peer group.
      2. Whatever you belong to and participate in, you are an influencer. Use your power to attract followers and give insights as to what opportunities are available to your peers about GoFounders and OnPassive.
    9. Facebook Messenger  and What’s App connections
      1. Power comes from being connected; the more connections you have the more power you have to influence and to grow your business. Grow your links and connections daily. Have a plan to add. Think of social media as a business tool.
      2. One on one communications are far more powerful than mass media posts when you want a certain result. Use one on one messaging to get to the next step.
    10. Your contact list on your phone for texts and calls
      1. Harvey MacKay knew that your income and your Rolodex are intimately interrelated. He stated,  “In my entire career I have never once heard a successful person say he or she regretted putting time and energy into keeping their Rolodex file.”
      2. Today, the Contact Management System is our Rolodex. It is power in a box ready to be used for the greater good when tied to the GoFounders message of hope and opportunity.


Go through your contacts and fill in ten on each page with no judgement on if they would join or not. Just get the names and contact info on paper. Envision all you ask saying yes!

Craft an opening sentence for each group. Speak to the obvious. Ask them a question the answer to which is the message you wish to send.  Offer a video for them to build curiosity.  We have a good sample email that uses the alternate of choice A compared to B technique to get eyes on the subject. Brilliant email that one. Make one yourself or use one that speaks to you from a leader in GoFounders. You are welcome to use any of my YouTube videos by the way. I’m sure Ash, Jeffrey, Mike, Ken, Marty, others all feel the same way. We are all family and we are all in it to win it together. Offer a way to reconnect in your message you will send:  a call to action is important to include. It could be a link from My Links to join, register, or see a presentation. It could be set up a time for a personal call or meeting or join in a Zoom session. Remember: Ask questions, start a conversation, and don’t try to do it all in one communication. Be patient and build on it.

Follow-up on every one of your Top 100 three to five times. Follow-up is what creates fortunes. Get a yes or a no. If the answer is anything but a yes, leave them with a good feeling that you will keep them informed of the progress of OnPassive and ask them to remember the name and that they heard about it first from you. Play the long game. Consider that eventually, all 100 of your Top 100 list will become members of OnPassive and that all are “under” you.

With a personal connection, you can bring in 3 or 10 or 40 or 120 into your personal team. Let’s review what that could mean from the lecture by Sunny Malex referenced by Ken Russo in the Leadership Council notes this week (August 20, 2020).

We will assume that, for illustration purposes, no guarantees*, that OnPassive AI Traffic Marketing Campaigns will place three in eachfounders’ teams and that the ongoing launch and marketing campaigns will add more over 3-6 months (assumption based on all coming in at only second level of the product package plan)

  1. Zero team members = $6000
  2. 3 team members = $18,000
  3. 10 team members = $60,000
  4. 40 team members = $150,000
  5. 120 team members = $350,000


You can see that your personal effort will dramatically impact how fast your team and your income will grow. It’s your choice to grow slow or grow fast. This 10-day prescription is for those who want to grow fast, but you may choose to do part of this and grow moderately fast. Every speed is okay; slow is even okay. That’s the beauty of GoFounders in OnPassive, we all get to the top in the end.

The sprint to the finish line will make a huge difference in your life and the generations to come. We will all get to “finish well”. Which is why my vision of OnPassive Dynasty has taken hold. The things we do today will be paying dividends for years to come and my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be talking about their great-grandfather back in 2020 and those decisions he made then to become founders in OnPassive, the largest and most successful company in the world. Don’t you want that same scenario playing out in your family, too!

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Bill Williams