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Friday 22 November 2019

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Sunday 17 November 2019

Za svakog ponešto

Want to be a recruiting machine..!

I share herewith the text written by Kaniska B. from India

"Want to be a recruiting machine..?!

If you want to succeed in this industry, you must read how to sponsor, build,
manage, and grow your team. The power of network marketing is the ability
to build your platform and be able to move more products and services through
the network. You must know the magic of affiliates recruiting and convert your
prospects into your business.
First of all, if you want massive growth, then you must have the ability to
make any decision. Create a decision that you will master this and not
give up. Allow your mind to learn and develop the skills to be able to recruit.
Move your fear of talking to people and come out of your shell.
Your decisions should be more significant than your fears and insecurities.
You must have to develop a recruiting mindset.
As you joined a network marketing company, it means something drew you
to it. It could be the products and services or the compensation plan or to
work with the awesome people. It is enough motivation to encourage you
to develop a recruiting mindset to be able to grow this business. Don’t sound
apologetic about it. Be brave and know that you are trying to share a great
gift with someone. You don't need much to start building your empire gradually
hence a great medium to use. Don't forget that it is not only about selling products;
it also involves prospecting, recruiting, training, follow-ups, and so much more.
You can make it a full-time job if you develop the mindset required and invest your
time and energy in it.
Always try to make new friends. Successful recruiters and big figure earners in
marketing have one thing in common - they make as many friends as possible
even before they start being successful in their business. Making friends and
building relationships with people is essential in network marketing as it helps
raise your level of awareness. Join groups and share hobbies or activities with
people so you can build relationships with them. You can also achieve this
through the various social media platforms or even the bartender at your
favorite bar. But remember, making friends does not mean recruiting or
prospecting all of them. It only means interacting and sharing great content
to make them like, trust, or get attracted to you.
You should grow daily positive habits. Try to connect with at least one or two
people each day in your network. Call them, send a message, or comment on
their post on social media. Try in any way to let them know you care or exist.
Another positive habit could be introducing your business opportunity or
products to at least one person in your network every day. You can also try
educative webinars, SFI training, articles, and books that will help in your
personal growth and expand the vision. Progress is perfection, and you will
change if you keep these positive daily habits entirely.
Read and tell good stories. I can assure you that all successful network
marketers are good storytellers. Good stories are helpful to encourage
people to join your business. It could be stories about your upline, downline,
your company, the products, or your compensation plan. You should be able
to retain and share all the stories involved in your business with your
prospects. The more stories you share about SFI with people, the more you
expose your business opportunity to the world and attract more people.
Grow the ability to listen and ask questions. Talking and selling can be
challenging, and the only way you can understand your prospects needs
and wants is to ask questions. If you start asking the right questions, you
will be able to understand them better and have a better approach to
introducing your business opportunity and recruiting them.
Must grow enthusiasm. Leaders are always active and enthusiastic. They
are always pumped up, vibrant, energetic, and bring a positive aura to them.
Positivity and enthusiasm are infectious, and people are attracted to those
who have these attributes.
You must have some big dreams. One of the great attributes of successful
entrepreneurs is having a big dream and nurturing them every day. Staying
steadfast in spite of the adversities around. Think outrageous and dream of
massive success and goals. Have a bigger vision and a bigger game plan.
Decide to be faster and stronger and make up your mind to recruit more
and grow exponentially.

Some people do not know how to sponsor or get people because they do
not know how to lead or manage them. In addition to these steps, you
must be ready to be a leader. Not everyone is born a leader, but you can
learn to be one and start building momentum to be able to recruit many
people and lead them.

Hope you got some value from this thread. Please, share if you have
any other points."

Click to join SFI:

Thursday 14 November 2019

Not possible to

There's no such thing as "get rich quick"

If becoming rich was easy and quick, everybody would be wealthy. The fact is, anything worthwhile takes sustained effort. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, etc.  It's the same thing with your own business.  If you're thinking money's going to start pouring into your lap next month, you’ve set yourself up for failure.  Don't do that!
Click here:

This Gateway includes an impressive list of reasons to join SFI and lets prospective affiliates know right upfront that there are no shortcuts to success.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Think about these words

SFI was made for all people but not all people are made for SFI . Maybe it is the mindset, maybe people are just lazy and want to earn money without working or maybe they are more attracted to "QUICK GET RICH SCHEMES".

Try to be made for SFI. Here is your chance:

Click here:

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Predict and win

Crystal Ball challenges you to predict future events. Be one of the top 25 closest predictions to win great prizes and badges daily. Or take home the big "Oracle's Cup" (currently 13,000 Rewardicals) prize for an exact prediction. Plus, earn free entries and play the optional free bonus game each day to instantly win up to 1000 Rewardicals! No purchase necessary to win.

Click here

Sunday 3 November 2019

Welcome to my team

Join me, Dušica Jovanović, and I'll personally help you build a second income with top rated SFI—now in its 21st year! 

This is a powerful, personalized invitation to join me in SFI, the JMT Gateway features my photo, my name, and my country, along with all my SFI badges! 

Click here, welcome!