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Thursday 6 June 2019

Eager Zebra Games at SFI

Did you know that one of the most popular things to do online today is play games?  It’s a fact. According to a recent report, there were more than 2.2 billion active gamers in the world in 2017. And 47% of those spent money while playing, generating $108.9 billion in game revenues that year! What's more, those numbers are only expected to grow in the coming months and years.

The Eager Zebra lineup includes the following online games to provide hours of fun for all ages! Click one of the links to try out a game:
  • Hidden–Solve as many word puzzles as you can while trying to outfox the den keepers. 
  • Grandmaster Poker–Put together the 3 best simultaneous poker hands you can.
  • Zackjack–Put together 3 hands of cards, each equaling 21 points (a "Zackjack").
  • Uber-Picks–Pick winning teams and maximize your score by strategically assigning "confidence points"
  • Card King–Predict whether the next card dealt be higher or lower than the last.
  • Gold Streak–Build a streak of correctly-answered survey questions.
  • Knockout Trivia–Outlast your fellow players answering trivia questions.
  • Brain Sprint–Correctly answer trivia questions as fast as you can.
So, do you know anyone who likes to play games? 
By the way, many SFI affiliates enjoy playing Eager Zebra games themselves when they need to take a break. And when they do, you can earn Rewardicals–which you can then redeem for unlimited VP, PSAs, CSAs, Bitcoin, Silver, and more! PLUS, each time you spend a TCredit during a game play, YOU earn 10 Rewardicals.

Wednesday 5 June 2019



SFI is delighted to debut a major new section at ECommergy ( It is called ASK AN EXPERT (AAE). 

Here's how it works: 

As you know, all ECommergy subscriptions automatically come with a free allotment of GRT (Giftable Rewardical Tokens). Up until now, you could use these only for tipping authors at the ECommergy forum. Now, with AAE, however, you can also use your GRT to get questions answered personally by e-commerce experts! 


Let's say you'd like to increase traffic to your blog, so you submit the question, "How can I increase traffic for my blog?" 

You submit your question at Note that the minimum to submit a question is 50 GRT. However, you can make the amount you're offering as large as you want in order to attract better replies/more experts. If your question is not approved or no expert replies are received, your GRT will be returned to you. 

Your submitted question will now go through a quick approval process. Primarily, we'll edit for clarity/length if necessary. Once approved, you'll receive an email confirmation and then your question will be added to an index of "live" questions. 

Upon entering the live index, other ECommergy members can now "enrich the bounty." That is, other members can contribute GRT (as few or as many as they want) to help questions they'd also like to know the answer to and/or to attract better replies/more experts. 

As an ECommergy subscriber, you'll also have the opportunity to answer questions on the live index and earn a portion of the bounty for each question if your answer is chosen as one of the top answers. You'll also have the opportunity to vote on submitted answers and help determine the answers ultimately chosen as the top answers. 

Finally, once the top answers are chosen, the question and its top answers will be turned into a formal article and added to ECommergy's permanent database of exclusive content available to all subscribers and members with day pass access. And SFI will, of course, send you an email notification, so you can be the first to see your question published as an article at ECommergy! 

SFI is very excited about the new AAE addition at ECommergy because it is through this new program that SFI plans to attract hundreds of true, top experts in not only answer AAE questions but to also become regular article contributors and participants at the ECommergy forum, too! 

With that in mind, SFI hopes everyone will embrace all parts of AAE (submitting questions, answering questions, voting, etc.) and help SFI turn AAE into a powerful force! Achieving this will, of course, make subscriptions to ECommergy that much more valuable and much easier to sell for all SFI affiliates! 


Three simple steps

SFI business is a very simple business. Just 3 simple steps will make our desires and dreams come true. 

1. Become an EA and remain EA every month. 
2. Sponsor 5 
3. Teach these 5 to do the 3 steps. 

It's called Duplication- the key to building a profitable, sustainable, and strong SFI business. 

DO IT NOW! Lead the way, show, not tell, new team members how to succeed in SFI.

Join now: