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Tuesday 30 April 2019

SFI Basics

Success starts here

Every successful program has a core component.  In SFI, the core is the 15 "daily action tabs" on your homepage.
Each of the 15 tabs provides vital knowledge and information–customized just for you.  Day by day, these 15 tabs will teach and guide you on how to become a highly successful SFI affiliate.  But it's absolutely essential that you thoroughly read, digest, and, most importantly, consistently APPLY the information to your business.  We cannot stress this enough!  Just scanning the information will get you nowhere.  If you want to build a profitable SFI business, you MUST use and apply the knowledge you're receiving.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Are you a sports fan?

Useful articles about e-commerce

Don't wait any longer

ECommergy is a website for and by ecommerce entrepreneurs, featuring:
* "Best of the best" articles, videos, and audios from across the web, hand-selected and curated by ecommerce experts.
* Exclusive articles and other content, with new content added daily.
* ECommergy's powerful search engine makes finding just the information you need a snap.
* Peer ratings and reviews.
* Exclusive forum with onsite experts for FREE personal consultations (get your questions answered by real ecommerce experts)!
* A variety of tools and features for organizing and managing your favorite authors, content, etc.

Monday 8 April 2019

Numerički nizovi - seminari i tehnologije Grigorija Grabovoja

Buda je kazao ovo zlatno pravilo morala:
"Onaj ko, tražeći sreću, tlači i povređuje druga bića koja također žele sreću neće dostići sretno odredište"

Danas se često čuje: "Ne čini drugima što ne želiš sebi"

Imajući ova zlatna pravila u mislima, želim da uputim sve ljude na učenje Grigorija Grabovoja. Koliko god vam se činilo čudno, tehnologije na koje se koncentrišete počeće da djeluju, problemi će početi da se rješavaju, bolesti  će nestajati. 

Tehnologije možete pratiti na YouTubu - Večna mladost 1489999

Šaljem vam sferu sreće 28 7 741 - kliknite ovdje

Tuesday 2 April 2019

What is ECommergy?

What is ECommergy?

ECommergy is a website for and by ecommerce entrepreneurs, featuring:
  • "Best of the best" articles, videos, and audios from across the web, hand-selected and curated by ecommerce experts.
  • Exclusive articles and other content, with new content added daily.
  • ECommergy's powerful search engine makes finding just the information you need in a snap.
  • Peer ratings and reviews.
  • Exclusive forum with "Ask Me Anything" sub-forums with onsite experts for personal, one-on-one expert consultation.
  • A variety of tools and features for organizing and managing your favorite authors, content, etc.
  • More!


So cool to play! I just won a game!

Rezultat slika za SFI knock out trivia

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